Saturday, April 25, 2009


A couple of weeks, I had a date with Yummy Magazine for a photo shoot.  We did about five recipes and although it was tiring to be doing them in one day, I have to say that I had fun too.  It was a challenge to be working on a time table, making sure that we still had enough natural light for the food shots.  

While David was taking pictures of the Yummy baked goodies, I took out my camera to take pictures as well including the crew in action. So here's what's coming out next on the Hey Home Baker column of Yummy Magazine... 

Banana Chocolate Chip Bread,  Peach Crostata
Self Saucing Chocolate Pudding,
Dayap Cake,

and the famous Banoffee.  So don't forget to get your copy of Yummy Magazine every month!

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